Pink Amethyst Clusters

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Pink Amethyst Clusters


Stunning soft pink glittery geode clusters of PINK AMETHYST. They are a fairly new find in the crystal world, so you aren’t going to commonly see them in most places.

These are one of a kind and ethically sourced from our buyer at the world famous Tuscon Gem Show!

Pink Amethyst Magickal Properties

  • Peace, Acceptance, Divine Love & Soul Guidance!

  • A newly discovered stone, found in Patagonia. Sublimely connected to and stimulates the Heart Chakra, Third Eye & Crown.

  • Helps you view your life experiences from the higher perspective of your soul, motivating you to take action with a strong sense of Divine Love.

  • A powerful yet gentle stone, it stimulates your intuition and helps you overcome stressful situations.

  • This stone will lovingly help you become more non-judgmentalandacceptingofotherswhoare showing you who they truly are.

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