The Art of Creating Sacred Space

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The Art of Creating Sacred Space


This is a pre-recorded class that was previously held and is now available as a recording only.

In this class we will explore the techniques used throughout centuries to not only clear out negative and low vibrational energy, but to also bless and set intentions for your space; be it your home office, car and even your person.

You'll learn to clear inappropriate energy and maintain healthy energy within yourself and to expand that energetic wellness into your home and workplace.

Building good energetic habits using a variety of tools, including sage, herbs, incenses, candles, wind chimes, crystals, drums, bells and blessings.

We will learn how to bring peace and abundance into your life and your dwellings.

This class is perfect for anyone who would like to live in a spiritual clean house or office that has no lingering negative energies. Whether you're a new homeowner, or have lived or worked in the same place for some times, any environment you inhabit can benefit from periodic cleanings We will discuses everything from floor washes, and smudging to ward off unpleasant energies or entities. How to work with saints, angels and other helping spirits, the wisdom and skill presented in this class to help you maintain an environment with positive, productive vibes.

Your teacher for this class will be Raven, owner of Raven Moon’s Oracle. She brings over 25 years of experience and knowledge from the Pagan community and her own ecclectic solitary practices.


This is an approx. 90-120 min ONLINE pre-recorded workshop and is $35 per student. Once you purchase your ticket you will then be sent an email confirmation with password to the recording.

As a student of Raven Moon’s Oracle you will also be granted access to Raven’s Nest, a private Facebook group for students only. This will be a great resource for continued discussion and further networking within the community.

If you have questions about any of our classes, please email us here, through the website.

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